Returns & Refunds
You may exchange most of our products in their new, unopened condition within 14 days of delivery for a different item, voucher or full refund. Please see below for further information on how to return an item.
Incorrect item delivered
We take great care in making sure you receive the correct item. However, should we unintentionally deliver the wrong one, or if the product you receive does not match the image or description on our website, please notify us within 7 days, and we’ll collect the item from you at no charge.
Following which, you’ll have the choice of:
- Receiving the correct product (Obviously at no delivery or other extra charges)
- Receiving a voucher for the purchase price of the product
- Receiving a full refund via your original payment method
Please click here to send us a contact form with your request, or give us a call on 010 597 3664. You can also email us here for immediate assistance.
Simply changed your mind about your purchase?
We want you to be happy with your purchase, and so you may return most of our products in their new, unopened condition within 14 days of delivery for a full refund. Please see below for information how to package the return and how we process your refund. We’ll be happy to arrange a collection and replacement delivery for you on your behalf at the quoted courier fee. Please click here to send us a contact form with your request, or give us a call on 010 597 3664. You can also email us here for immediate assistance.
Once we’ve received your returned item, you’ll have the choice of:
- Receiving a voucher for the purchase price of the product
- Receiving a full refund via your original payment method
Please note that no refund is available if the item was received as a gift.
Damaged goods
Should you receive your item/s in a damaged condition, please notify us within 7 days. Please click here to send us your query, or give us a call on 010 597 3664. We’ll need relevant photographs so that we can assess how the damage occurred and use the experience to improve our service to you.
Once we have validated your return we’ll arrange collection of your item at no charge, after which you’ll have the choice of:
- Receiving the correct product (Obviously at no delivery or other extra charges)
- Receiving a voucher for the purchase price of the product
- Receiving a full refund via your original payment method
Our Online Customer Service contact details
- Telephone: 010 597 3664
- Email: [email protected]